
The Civil Rights and Equity Office reports directly to the Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Community, Equity and Diversity. The Director & Title IX Coordinator and staff are charged with the responsibility to oversee the University’s compliance efforts with Title IX, disability laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, equal employment laws, and campus initiatives aimed at creating a diverse, welcoming and equitable campus. The Director provides advice on policies, programs and services to enhance the campus climate, is the designated Title IX representative, and, in addition, handles all complaints of discrimination under the Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy.

The ADA Compliance Officer assists in the development and administration of policies, procedures and practices for the University, to ensure compliance with the ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Federal and state laws and regulations regarding access and non-discriminatory practices for persons with disabilities.

The Director & Title IX Coordinator and staff serves as a liaison among the President’s Office, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Finance & Administration, Senior Vice Provost for Student Life, and appropriate governing committees; delivers educational programs; supports activities and programs throughout the campus community (for students, faculty and staff) on the issues of equity and diversity; and represents the University with federal and state agencies.

Diversity Missions

  • Collaborate with the Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for Community, Equity and Diversity, providing/monitoring/supporting campus initiatives aimed at creating an inclusive, welcoming and equitable campus.
  • Serve on (or chair) committees, councils, task forces, etc., supporting these goals.
  • Liaison to groups, offices, departments and individuals working on diversity efforts, on and off campus.
  • Promote equity in hiring, direct/support diversity search efforts for faculty and staff.

Compliance Missions

  • Oversee UNH compliance: Title IX, disability laws and regulations, non-discrimination and equal employment laws (federal and state).
  • Enforce Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy and Bias Response Protocol.
  • Investigate complaints.
  • Provide advice on policies, programs and services, and work with departments and offices charged with compliance issues and concerns (e.g., General Counsel, Human Resources, Community Standards, Senior Vice Provost for Students, etc.)

Educational Missions

  • Communicate expectations for behavior and actions by members of the community.  The Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy is a tool to describe expectations and provide a system for collecting and investigating complaints.  Redress and education are common outcomes upon findings of violations.
  • Deliver and support educational programs, dialogues, and training throughout the campus community (students, faculty, staff) and outside community (members of the public) [including through media.

Bo Zaryckyj
Director & Title IX Coordinator
603.862.2930 (voice)
7-1-1 (Relay NH)